Exploration of Regional Industry and Economy at Schools

Coming soon
EduCEO is the platform for educational institutions and companies. It brings school classes and companies together and makes it possible to carry out an exciting school project. All those who want to participate are guided step by step through the project and supported with materials and information at every stage.

How eduCEO works

Easily find partners online with whom a school project can be carried out
Find a Partner
With eduCEO, schools and companies can be found quickly and easily.
Carry out a project
All instructions and documents for implementation are available in the app.
Get to know companies
The students get to know regional companies up close.

Exciting insights into companies

The children experience up close, what the companies produce and are allowed to craft something themselves too!

About the project

eduCEO was founded as part of a Erasmus+ Project in the area of school education, implemented with partners from Austria, Germany and Hungary.
Explore the regional economy with the children, which cannot be found in any school book!
Present yourself as a company or as a school to find project partners and implement an economic project together.
Register now

What our users say

Innovative cooperations between primary schools and regional companies that can implement the ready-prepared business project in the third and fourth grade..
A great contribution to strengthening regions
As a company, we are already pleased every time children visit our company and curiously want to know more about our activities, products and professions.
Barbara Havel Managing Director HAVEL Healthcare
Focus on implementation rather than preparation
In the project, all content and materials for the lessons are prepared and didacticised. The web app also makes organisation easier, so I can concentrate fully on working with the children!
Zita Pusztai Primary school teacher
Bringing innovative content into the classroom
With eduCEO, teachers and companies are empowered to independently implement a modern economics project in primary schools at any time - without the need for external staff.
Manfred Gibis Rector primary school